"Loading terrain..."!
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ defmodule Amethyst.API.Game do
You may either :accept or :reject the player for whatever reason, avoid
rejecting the player in your default game as that will disconnect the player.
If you :accept the player, you must return a spawn position ({x, y, z}) and
rotation ({yaw, pitch})
Note that if no new players can join for any reason, your game should return false from `joinable?/1`.
The PID received in 'from' will be the one that calls all callbacks
@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ defmodule Amethyst.API.Game do
- 'player_cfg' is a keyword list containing the configuration passed by the game client
- 'state_refs' are your references (see `instantiate/1`)
@callback login(from :: pid(), player_cfg :: keyword(), state_refs :: map()) :: :accept | :reject
@callback login(from :: pid(), player_cfg :: keyword(), state_refs :: map()) :: {:accept, {x :: float(), y :: float(), z :: float()}, {yaw :: float(), pitch ::float()}} | :reject
def login(%{:mod => mod, :refs => refs}, player_cfg) do
mod.login(self(), player_cfg, refs)
@ -61,6 +64,18 @@ defmodule Amethyst.API.Game do
mod.player_position(self(), {x, y, z}, refs)
@doc """
`player_rotation/3` is called when a player rotates. This function is called with the absolute angles
that the player client expects. TODO: Teleport Player API.
- 'from' is the PID of the player's connection process (see `login/3`).
- 'yaw' and 'pitch' are the angles the player expects to rotate to. These are in Minecraft's rotation format.
- `state_refs` are your references (see `instantiate/1`)
@callback player_rotation(from :: pid(), {yaw :: float(), pitch :: float()}, state_refs :: map()) :: :ok
def player_rotation(%{:mod => mod, :refs => refs}, {yaw, pitch}) do
mod.player_rotation(self(), {yaw, pitch}, refs)
@doc """
`accept_teleport/3` is called when a client accepts a teleportation as sent by the Synchronize Player Position
packet (TODO: Teleport Player API). This lets you know that the client is now where you expect it to be.
@ -271,33 +271,39 @@ defmodule Amethyst.ConnectionState.Configuration do
send(self(), {:set_state, Amethyst.ConnectionState.Play})
game = Application.fetch_env!(:amethyst, :default_game) |> Amethyst.GameCoordinator.find_or_create()
state = state |> Map.put(:game, game)
if Amethyst.API.Game.login(game, state) == :reject do
send(self(), {:disconnect, "Default game rejected connection"})
send(self(), {:send_packet, %{
packet_type: :login,
entity_id: 0,
is_hardcore: false,
dimensions: [%{name: "minecraft:overworld"}],
max_players: 0,
view_distance: 16,
simulation_distance: 16,
reduced_debug_info: false,
enable_respawn_screen: true,
do_limited_crafting: false,
dimension_type: 0,
dimension_name: "minecraft:overworld",
hashed_seed: 0,
game_mode: 3,
previous_game_mode: -1,
is_debug: false,
is_flat: false,
death_location: nil,
portal_cooldown: 0,
enforces_secure_chat: false
login = Amethyst.API.Game.login(game, state)
case login do
:reject ->
send(self(), {:disconnect, "Default game rejected connection"})
{:accept, {x, y, z}, {yaw, pitch}} ->
send(self(), {:send_packet, %{
packet_type: :login,
entity_id: 0,
is_hardcore: false,
dimensions: [%{name: "minecraft:overworld"}],
max_players: 0,
view_distance: 16,
simulation_distance: 16,
reduced_debug_info: false,
enable_respawn_screen: true,
do_limited_crafting: false,
dimension_type: 0,
dimension_name: "minecraft:overworld",
hashed_seed: 0,
game_mode: 3,
previous_game_mode: -1,
is_debug: false,
is_flat: false,
death_location: nil,
portal_cooldown: 0,
enforces_secure_chat: false
send(self(), {:send_packet, %{
packet_type: :synchronize_player_position,
x: x, y: y, z: z, yaw: yaw, pitch: pitch, teleport_id: 0, flags: 0x00
@ -60,21 +60,48 @@ defmodule Amethyst.ConnectionState.Play do
Macros.defpacket_serverbound :confirm_teleportation, 0x00, 767, [teleport_id: :varint]
Macros.defpacket_serverbound :set_player_position, 0x1A, 767, [
x: :double,
feet_y: :double,
z: :double,
on_ground: :bool
Macros.defpacket_serverbound :set_player_position_and_rotation, 0x1B, 767, [
x: :double,
feet_y: :double,
z: :double,
yaw: :float,
pitch: :float,
on_ground: :bool
Macros.defpacket_serverbound :set_player_rotation, 0x1C, 767, [
yaw: :float,
pitch: :float,
on_ground: :bool # I don't understand their obsession with this...
@spec handle(
:packet_type => :confirm_teleportation,
:teleport_id => any(),
optional(any()) => any()
nil | maybe_improper_list() | map()
) :: :ok
def handle(%{packet_type: :confirm_teleportation, teleport_id: id}, 767, state) do
Amethyst.API.Game.accept_teleport(state[:game], id)
def handle(%{packet_type: :set_player_position_and_rotation, x: x, feet_y: y, z: z, yaw: yaw, pitch: pitch, on_ground: _ground}, 767, state) do
# I don't know why we would ever trust on_ground here... the server computes that
Amethyst.API.Game.player_position(state[:game], {x, y, z})
Amethyst.API.Game.player_rotation(state[:game], {yaw, pitch})
def handle(%{packet_type: :set_player_position, x: x, feet_y: y, z: z, on_ground: _ground}, 767, state) do
# I don't know why we would ever trust on_ground here... the server computes that
Amethyst.API.Game.player_position(state[:game], {x, y, z})
def handle(%{packet_type: :set_player_rotation, yaw: yaw, pitch: pitch, on_ground: _ground}, 767, state) do
# I don't know why we would ever trust on_ground here... the server computes that
Amethyst.API.Game.player_rotation(state[:game], {yaw, pitch})
def disconnect(reason) do
packet_type: :disconnect,
@ -12,20 +12,22 @@ defmodule Example.Game do
def login(from, cfg, refs) do
Logger.info("Player logged in from #{inspect(from)}: #{inspect(cfg)}")
Logger.info("The refs for this game are #{inspect(refs)}")
#send(from, {:send_packet, %{
# packet_type: :synchronize_player_position,
# x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, yaw: 0.0, pitch: 0.0, flags: 0x00,
# teleport_id: 0
{:accept, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}}
@impl true
@spec player_position(any(), {any(), any(), any()}, any()) :: :ok
def player_position(from, {x, y, z}, _refs) do
Logger.info("Player at #{inspect(from)} moved to #{x}, #{y}, #{z}")
@impl true
def player_rotation(from, {yaw, pitch}, _refs) do
Logger.info("Player at #{inspect(from)} rotated to #{yaw}, #{pitch}")
@impl true
def accept_teleport(from, id, _state_refs) do
Logger.info("Player at #{inspect(from)} accepted teleport #{inspect(id)}")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user