
523 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict'
const assert = require('assert')
const { kDestroyed, kBodyUsed } = require('./symbols')
const { IncomingMessage } = require('http')
const stream = require('stream')
const net = require('net')
const { InvalidArgumentError } = require('./errors')
const { Blob } = require('buffer')
const nodeUtil = require('util')
const { stringify } = require('querystring')
const { headerNameLowerCasedRecord } = require('./constants')
const [nodeMajor, nodeMinor] = process.versions.node.split('.').map(v => Number(v))
function nop () {}
function isStream (obj) {
return obj && typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.pipe === 'function' && typeof obj.on === 'function'
// based on https://github.com/node-fetch/fetch-blob/blob/8ab587d34080de94140b54f07168451e7d0b655e/index.js#L229-L241 (MIT License)
function isBlobLike (object) {
return (Blob && object instanceof Blob) || (
object &&
typeof object === 'object' &&
(typeof object.stream === 'function' ||
typeof object.arrayBuffer === 'function') &&
function buildURL (url, queryParams) {
if (url.includes('?') || url.includes('#')) {
throw new Error('Query params cannot be passed when url already contains "?" or "#".')
const stringified = stringify(queryParams)
if (stringified) {
url += '?' + stringified
return url
function parseURL (url) {
if (typeof url === 'string') {
url = new URL(url)
if (!/^https?:/.test(url.origin || url.protocol)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL protocol: the URL must start with `http:` or `https:`.')
return url
if (!url || typeof url !== 'object') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL: The URL argument must be a non-null object.')
if (!/^https?:/.test(url.origin || url.protocol)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL protocol: the URL must start with `http:` or `https:`.')
if (!(url instanceof URL)) {
if (url.port != null && url.port !== '' && !Number.isFinite(parseInt(url.port))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL: port must be a valid integer or a string representation of an integer.')
if (url.path != null && typeof url.path !== 'string') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL path: the path must be a string or null/undefined.')
if (url.pathname != null && typeof url.pathname !== 'string') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL pathname: the pathname must be a string or null/undefined.')
if (url.hostname != null && typeof url.hostname !== 'string') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL hostname: the hostname must be a string or null/undefined.')
if (url.origin != null && typeof url.origin !== 'string') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('Invalid URL origin: the origin must be a string or null/undefined.')
const port = url.port != null
? url.port
: (url.protocol === 'https:' ? 443 : 80)
let origin = url.origin != null
? url.origin
: `${url.protocol}//${url.hostname}:${port}`
let path = url.path != null
? url.path
: `${url.pathname || ''}${url.search || ''}`
if (origin.endsWith('/')) {
origin = origin.substring(0, origin.length - 1)
if (path && !path.startsWith('/')) {
path = `/${path}`
// new URL(path, origin) is unsafe when `path` contains an absolute URL
// From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL/URL:
// If first parameter is a relative URL, second param is required, and will be used as the base URL.
// If first parameter is an absolute URL, a given second param will be ignored.
url = new URL(origin + path)
return url
function parseOrigin (url) {
url = parseURL(url)
if (url.pathname !== '/' || url.search || url.hash) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid url')
return url
function getHostname (host) {
if (host[0] === '[') {
const idx = host.indexOf(']')
assert(idx !== -1)
return host.substring(1, idx)
const idx = host.indexOf(':')
if (idx === -1) return host
return host.substring(0, idx)
// IP addresses are not valid server names per RFC6066
// > Currently, the only server names supported are DNS hostnames
function getServerName (host) {
if (!host) {
return null
assert.strictEqual(typeof host, 'string')
const servername = getHostname(host)
if (net.isIP(servername)) {
return ''
return servername
function deepClone (obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))
function isAsyncIterable (obj) {
return !!(obj != null && typeof obj[Symbol.asyncIterator] === 'function')
function isIterable (obj) {
return !!(obj != null && (typeof obj[Symbol.iterator] === 'function' || typeof obj[Symbol.asyncIterator] === 'function'))
function bodyLength (body) {
if (body == null) {
return 0
} else if (isStream(body)) {
const state = body._readableState
return state && state.objectMode === false && state.ended === true && Number.isFinite(state.length)
? state.length
: null
} else if (isBlobLike(body)) {
return body.size != null ? body.size : null
} else if (isBuffer(body)) {
return body.byteLength
return null
function isDestroyed (stream) {
return !stream || !!(stream.destroyed || stream[kDestroyed])
function isReadableAborted (stream) {
const state = stream && stream._readableState
return isDestroyed(stream) && state && !state.endEmitted
function destroy (stream, err) {
if (stream == null || !isStream(stream) || isDestroyed(stream)) {
if (typeof stream.destroy === 'function') {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(stream).constructor === IncomingMessage) {
// See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/38505/files
stream.socket = null
} else if (err) {
process.nextTick((stream, err) => {
stream.emit('error', err)
}, stream, err)
if (stream.destroyed !== true) {
stream[kDestroyed] = true
const KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_EXPR = /timeout=(\d+)/
function parseKeepAliveTimeout (val) {
const m = val.toString().match(KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_EXPR)
return m ? parseInt(m[1], 10) * 1000 : null
* Retrieves a header name and returns its lowercase value.
* @param {string | Buffer} value Header name
* @returns {string}
function headerNameToString (value) {
return headerNameLowerCasedRecord[value] || value.toLowerCase()
function parseHeaders (headers, obj = {}) {
// For H2 support
if (!Array.isArray(headers)) return headers
for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) {
const key = headers[i].toString().toLowerCase()
let val = obj[key]
if (!val) {
if (Array.isArray(headers[i + 1])) {
obj[key] = headers[i + 1].map(x => x.toString('utf8'))
} else {
obj[key] = headers[i + 1].toString('utf8')
} else {
if (!Array.isArray(val)) {
val = [val]
obj[key] = val
val.push(headers[i + 1].toString('utf8'))
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/46528
if ('content-length' in obj && 'content-disposition' in obj) {
obj['content-disposition'] = Buffer.from(obj['content-disposition']).toString('latin1')
return obj
function parseRawHeaders (headers) {
const ret = []
let hasContentLength = false
let contentDispositionIdx = -1
for (let n = 0; n < headers.length; n += 2) {
const key = headers[n + 0].toString()
const val = headers[n + 1].toString('utf8')
if (key.length === 14 && (key === 'content-length' || key.toLowerCase() === 'content-length')) {
ret.push(key, val)
hasContentLength = true
} else if (key.length === 19 && (key === 'content-disposition' || key.toLowerCase() === 'content-disposition')) {
contentDispositionIdx = ret.push(key, val) - 1
} else {
ret.push(key, val)
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/46528
if (hasContentLength && contentDispositionIdx !== -1) {
ret[contentDispositionIdx] = Buffer.from(ret[contentDispositionIdx]).toString('latin1')
return ret
function isBuffer (buffer) {
// See, https://github.com/mcollina/undici/pull/319
return buffer instanceof Uint8Array || Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)
function validateHandler (handler, method, upgrade) {
if (!handler || typeof handler !== 'object') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('handler must be an object')
if (typeof handler.onConnect !== 'function') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid onConnect method')
if (typeof handler.onError !== 'function') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid onError method')
if (typeof handler.onBodySent !== 'function' && handler.onBodySent !== undefined) {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid onBodySent method')
if (upgrade || method === 'CONNECT') {
if (typeof handler.onUpgrade !== 'function') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid onUpgrade method')
} else {
if (typeof handler.onHeaders !== 'function') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid onHeaders method')
if (typeof handler.onData !== 'function') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid onData method')
if (typeof handler.onComplete !== 'function') {
throw new InvalidArgumentError('invalid onComplete method')
// A body is disturbed if it has been read from and it cannot
// be re-used without losing state or data.
function isDisturbed (body) {
return !!(body && (
? stream.isDisturbed(body) || body[kBodyUsed] // TODO (fix): Why is body[kBodyUsed] needed?
: body[kBodyUsed] ||
body.readableDidRead ||
(body._readableState && body._readableState.dataEmitted) ||
function isErrored (body) {
return !!(body && (
? stream.isErrored(body)
: /state: 'errored'/.test(nodeUtil.inspect(body)
function isReadable (body) {
return !!(body && (
? stream.isReadable(body)
: /state: 'readable'/.test(nodeUtil.inspect(body)
function getSocketInfo (socket) {
return {
localAddress: socket.localAddress,
localPort: socket.localPort,
remoteAddress: socket.remoteAddress,
remotePort: socket.remotePort,
remoteFamily: socket.remoteFamily,
timeout: socket.timeout,
bytesWritten: socket.bytesWritten,
bytesRead: socket.bytesRead
async function * convertIterableToBuffer (iterable) {
for await (const chunk of iterable) {
yield Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) ? chunk : Buffer.from(chunk)
let ReadableStream
function ReadableStreamFrom (iterable) {
if (!ReadableStream) {
ReadableStream = require('stream/web').ReadableStream
if (ReadableStream.from) {
return ReadableStream.from(convertIterableToBuffer(iterable))
let iterator
return new ReadableStream(
async start () {
iterator = iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator]()
async pull (controller) {
const { done, value } = await iterator.next()
if (done) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
} else {
const buf = Buffer.isBuffer(value) ? value : Buffer.from(value)
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array(buf))
return controller.desiredSize > 0
async cancel (reason) {
await iterator.return()
// The chunk should be a FormData instance and contains
// all the required methods.
function isFormDataLike (object) {
return (
object &&
typeof object === 'object' &&
typeof object.append === 'function' &&
typeof object.delete === 'function' &&
typeof object.get === 'function' &&
typeof object.getAll === 'function' &&
typeof object.has === 'function' &&
typeof object.set === 'function' &&
object[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'FormData'
function throwIfAborted (signal) {
if (!signal) { return }
if (typeof signal.throwIfAborted === 'function') {
} else {
if (signal.aborted) {
// DOMException not available < v17.0.0
const err = new Error('The operation was aborted')
err.name = 'AbortError'
throw err
function addAbortListener (signal, listener) {
if ('addEventListener' in signal) {
signal.addEventListener('abort', listener, { once: true })
return () => signal.removeEventListener('abort', listener)
signal.addListener('abort', listener)
return () => signal.removeListener('abort', listener)
const hasToWellFormed = !!String.prototype.toWellFormed
* @param {string} val
function toUSVString (val) {
if (hasToWellFormed) {
return `${val}`.toWellFormed()
} else if (nodeUtil.toUSVString) {
return nodeUtil.toUSVString(val)
return `${val}`
// Parsed accordingly to RFC 9110
// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110#field.content-range
function parseRangeHeader (range) {
if (range == null || range === '') return { start: 0, end: null, size: null }
const m = range ? range.match(/^bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)?$/) : null
return m
? {
start: parseInt(m[1]),
end: m[2] ? parseInt(m[2]) : null,
size: m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : null
: null
const kEnumerableProperty = Object.create(null)
kEnumerableProperty.enumerable = true
module.exports = {
nodeHasAutoSelectFamily: nodeMajor > 18 || (nodeMajor === 18 && nodeMinor >= 13),
safeHTTPMethods: ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE']