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Let's do it!!!\"", "evId": 6, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 1, "listId": 416, "@c": 46 }, { "text": "\"い、いやいや、楽しいと思うよ! やろう!!!\"", "evId": 6, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 1, "listId": 416, "@c": 47 }, { "text": "\"Of course, Mira.\"", "evId": 6, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 1, "listId": 427, "@c": 48 }, { "text": "\"もちろんいいよ。\"", "evId": 6, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 1, "listId": 427, "@c": 49 }, { "text": "\"I always remember things.\"", "evId": 6, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 1, "listId": 549, "@c": 50 }, { "text": "\"僕の記憶は完璧だ。\"", "evId": 6, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 1, "listId": 549, "@c": 51 }, { "text": "\"...Mirabelle?\"", "evId": 1, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 0, "listId": 72, "@c": 52 }, { "text": "\"...ミラベル?\"", "evId": 1, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 0, "listId": 72, "@c": 53 }, { "text": "\"More of a lazy, take it easy type.\"", "evId": 31, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 0, "listId": 36, "@c": 54 }, { "text": "\"どっちかというと、のんびりしたいタイプなんで。\"", "evId": 31, "mapId": 30, "pageId": 0, "listId": 36, "@c": 55 }, { "text": "\"How are 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"!", "A note Mirabelle wrote for you and your sieve-like brain.
[Press \u000b[376] to interact!]", "A key adorned with a keychain shaped like a mask. It doesn't have an expression.", null, "Wh-- How did those snacks get here?!", "Pew! Bam! Kapow! Easy-peasy!", "A gift for Mirabelle. It's lovingly wrapped.", null, "Bonnie runs in with a", "Can I help you with anything?", " time", "MIRABELLE", "ISABEAU", "ODILE", "BONNIE", null, null, { "@c": 163, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 164, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 165, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 166, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 167, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 168, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 169, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 170, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "@c": 171, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, null, null, "THE KING", "THE HEAD HOUSEMAIDEN", "LOOP", "Attack", "Guard", "‎", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Victory is meaningless, but it still feels good.", "This knife should let you cut through the King's hair, but probably just 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}, "@c": 628 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 631, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 630 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 633, "@a": [ "(Mirabelle kept going to honor the Change God's blessing, save her beloved House, and save Vaugarde.)" ] }, "@c": 632 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 635, "@a": [ 7, "event_act1_changegod_7", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 634 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 637, "@a": [ 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 636 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 639, "@a": [ 6 ] }, "@c": 638 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 641, "@a": [ 30 ] }, "@c": 640 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 643, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 642 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 645, "@a": [ "(Isabeau came with her after Vaugarde's Defenders themselves refused to help.)" ] }, "@c": 644 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 647, "@a": [ 8, "event_act1_changegod_8", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 646 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 649, "@a": [ 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 648 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 651, "@a": [ 7 ] }, "@c": 650 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 653, "@a": [ 30 ] }, "@c": 652 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 655, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 654 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 657, "@a": [ "(Odile came to satisfy her curiosity about Vaugarde...)" ] }, "@c": 656 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 659, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 658 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 661, "@a": [ "(...and because, she said, \"leaving the fate of a country to a bunch of young ones would give me an ulcer\".)" ] }, "@c": 660 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 663, "@a": [ 9, "event_act1_changegod_9", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 662 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 665, "@a": [ 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 664 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 667, "@a": [ 8 ] }, "@c": 666 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 669, "@a": [ 30 ] }, "@c": 668 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 671, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 670 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 673, "@a": [ "(Bonnie came to save their sister, frozen by the Curse.)" ] }, "@c": 672 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 675, "@a": [ 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, false ] }, "@c": 674 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 677, "@a": [ 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 676 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 679, "@a": [ 9 ] }, "@c": 678 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 681, "@a": [ 20 ] }, "@c": 680 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 683, "@a": [ 10, "event_act1_changegod_10", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 682 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 685, "@a": [ 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, false ] }, "@c": 684 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 687, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 686 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 689, "@a": [ "(You're here because there's nothing else for you to do.)" ] }, "@c": 688 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 691, "@a": [ 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 690 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 693, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 692 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 695, "@a": [ "(What else are you supposed to do except travel with them?)" ] }, "@c": 694 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 697, "@a": [ 20 ] }, "@c": 696 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 699, "@a": [ 10 ] }, "@c": 698 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 701, "@a": [ 11, "event_act1_changegod_12", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 700 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 703, "@a": [ 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, false ] }, "@c": 702 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 705, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 704 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 707, "@a": [ "(Once, Mirabelle asked you if you were okay, following them on a journey to save the country.)" ] }, "@c": 706 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 709, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 708 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 711, "@a": [ "(She felt guilty, felt like she was forcing everyone to follow her on a hopeless quest.)" ] }, "@c": 710 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 713, "@a": [ 12, "event_act1_changegod_13", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 712 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 715, "@a": [ 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, false ] }, "@c": 714 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 717, "@a": [ 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 716 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 719, "@a": [ 11 ] }, "@c": 718 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 721, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 720 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 723, "@a": [ "(You wanted to put her at ease, so you said easily and truthfully that traveling with everyone was the happiest you could remember being.)" ] }, "@c": 722 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 725, "@a": [ 13, "event_act1_changegod_14", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 724 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 727, "@a": [ 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, false ] }, "@c": 726 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 729, "@a": [ 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 728 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 731, "@a": [ 12 ] }, "@c": 730 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 733, "@a": [ 30 ] }, "@c": 732 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 735, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 734 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 737, "@a": [ "\\m[wait](She looked upset.)" ] }, "@c": 736 }, { "code": 231, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 739, "@a": [ 14, "event_act1_changegod_15", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0 ] }, "@c": 738 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 741, "@a": [ 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, false ] }, "@c": 740 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 743, "@a": [ 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, true ] }, "@c": 742 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 745, "@a": [ 13 ] }, "@c": 744 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 747, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 746 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 749, "@a": [ "(You cringe just thinking about it, truth be told.\\!\\ Maybe not the most considerate thing you could've said to someone with her problems at that moment.)" ] }, "@c": 748 }, { "code": 232, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 751, "@a": [ 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, false ] }, "@c": 750 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 753, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 752 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 755, "@a": [ "(But tomorrow, one way or another, your journey will end.)" ] }, "@c": 754 }, { "code": 235, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 757, "@a": [ 14 ] }, "@c": 756 }, { "code": 242, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 759, "@a": [ 3 ] }, "@c": 758 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 761, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 760 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 763, "@a": [ "(...)" ] }, "@c": 762 }, { "code": 223, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 765, "@a": [ { "@c": 766, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, 60, false ] }, "@c": 764 }, { "code": 245, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 768, "@a": [ { "name": "000_sounds_birds", "volume": 90, "pitch": 100, "pan": 0, "@c": 769 } ] }, "@c": 767 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 771, "@a": [ 240 ] }, "@c": 770 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 773, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 772 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 775, "@a": [ "(...\\!You should believe something very strongly at the Change God.)" ] }, "@c": 774 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 777, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 776 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 779, "@a": [ "(That's how those work, right?\\!\\ Mirabelle and Isabeau taught you before.)" ] }, "@c": 778 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 781, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 780 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 783, "@a": [ "(Can't just ask for things because the Change belief considers this lazy.\\!\\ It's the Change God, only pure belief and confidence in yourself will do, with the Change God only providing a little nudge.)" ] }, "@c": 782 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 785, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 784 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 787, "@a": [ "(If anyone is lazy here, it must be the Change God, you think.)" ] }, "@c": 786 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 789, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 788 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 791, "@a": [ "(Oh well.)" ] }, "@c": 790 }, { "code": 121, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 793, "@a": [ 10, 10, 1 ] }, "@c": 792 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 795, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 794 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 797, "@a": [ "(You...\\!\\ \"believe strongly\", or whatever...)\\!\\" ] }, "@c": 796 }, { "code": 102, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 799, "@a": [ { "@c": 800, "@a": [ "(...that your hits will super hurt.)", "(...that attacks against you will be super weak.)", "(...that you'll be super fast.)" ] }, -1, 0, 2, 0 ] }, "@c": 798 }, { "code": 402, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 802, "@a": [ 0, "(...that your hits will super hurt.)" ] }, "@c": 801 }, { "code": 122, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 804, "@a": [ 48, 48, 0, 0, 1 ] }, "@c": 803 }, { "code": 117, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 806, "@a": [ 74 ] }, "@c": 805 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 808, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 807 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 810, "@a": [ "(Best defense is a good offense.\\!\\ If you hit hard, no one will hurt you or your friends.)" ] }, "@c": 809 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 812, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 811 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 814, "@a": [ "(You repeat under your breath \"super powerful, super powerful, super powerful.\")" ] }, "@c": 813 }, { "code": 246, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 816, "@a": [ 1 ] }, "@c": 815 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 818, "@a": [ { "name": "Raise2", "volume": 90, "pitch": 90, "pan": 0, "@c": 819 } ] }, "@c": 817 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 821, "@a": [ { "name": "Saint2", "volume": 90, "pitch": 90, "pan": 0, "@c": 822 } ] }, "@c": 820 }, { "code": 223, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 824, "@a": [ { "@c": 825, "@a": [ 255, 255, 255, 0 ] }, 30, true ] }, "@c": 823 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 827, "@a": [ 60 ] }, "@c": 826 }, { "code": 223, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 829, "@a": [ { "@c": 830, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, 60, true ] }, "@c": 828 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 832, "@a": [ 60 ] }, "@c": 831 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 834, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 833 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 836, "@a": [ "(...\\m[wait]You actually feel a little more powerful???)" ] }, "@c": 835 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 838, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 837 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 840, "@a": [ "(You do a little flourish with your dagger.)" ] }, "@c": 839 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 842, "@a": [ 20 ] }, "@c": 841 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 844, "@a": [ { "name": "Attack3", "volume": 90, "pitch": 130, "pan": 0, "@c": 845 } ] }, "@c": 843 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 847, "@a": [ 10 ] }, "@c": 846 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 849, "@a": [ { "name": "Attack3", "volume": 90, "pitch": 150, "pan": 0, "@c": 850 } ] }, "@c": 848 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 852, "@a": [ 30 ] }, "@c": 851 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 854, "@a": [ { "name": "Coin", "volume": 90, "pitch": 50, "pan": 0, "@c": 855 } ] }, "@c": 853 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 857, "@a": [ 60 ] }, "@c": 856 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 859, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 858 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 861, "@a": [ "(...You dropped your dagger.)" ] }, "@c": 860 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 863, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 862 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 865, "@a": [ "(Embarrassing!)" ] }, "@c": 864 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 867, "@a": [ { "name": "Saint5", "volume": 90, "pitch": 80, "pan": 0, "@c": 868 } ] }, "@c": 866 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 870, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 869 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 872, "@a": [ "(You and your \\v[284]'s ATK got a tiny bit better!)" ] }, "@c": 871 }, { "code": 0, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 874, "@a": [] }, "@c": 873 }, { "code": 402, "indent": 0, "parameters": { "@c": 876, "@a": [ 1, "(...that attacks against you will be super weak.)" ] }, "@c": 875 }, { "code": 122, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 878, "@a": [ 48, 48, 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 877 }, { "code": 117, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 880, "@a": [ 74 ] }, "@c": 879 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 882, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 881 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 884, "@a": [ "(Best offense is a good defense.\\!\\ You win if you and your friends are the only ones standing.)" ] }, "@c": 883 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 886, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 885 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 888, "@a": [ "(You repeat under your breath \"super strong, super strong, super strong.\")" ] }, "@c": 887 }, { "code": 246, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 890, "@a": [ 1 ] }, "@c": 889 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 892, "@a": [ { "name": "Raise2", "volume": 90, "pitch": 90, "pan": 0, "@c": 893 } ] }, "@c": 891 }, { "code": 250, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 895, "@a": [ { "name": "Saint2", "volume": 90, "pitch": 90, "pan": 0, "@c": 896 } ] }, "@c": 894 }, { "code": 223, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 898, "@a": [ { "@c": 899, "@a": [ 255, 255, 255, 0 ] }, 30, true ] }, "@c": 897 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 901, "@a": [ 60 ] }, "@c": 900 }, { "code": 223, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 903, "@a": [ { "@c": 904, "@a": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, 60, true ] }, "@c": 902 }, { "code": 230, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 906, "@a": [ 60 ] }, "@c": 905 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 908, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 907 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 910, "@a": [ "(...\\m[wait]You actually feel a little stronger???)" ] }, "@c": 909 }, { "code": 101, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 912, "@a": [ "", 0, 0, 2 ] }, "@c": 911 }, { "code": 401, "indent": 1, "parameters": { "@c": 914, "@a": [ "(You pinch yourself.)" ] }, "@c": 913 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