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# Client Lifecycle
An Undici [Client](Client.md) can be best described as a state machine. The following list is a summary of the various state transitions the `Client` will go through in its lifecycle. This document also contains detailed breakdowns of each state.
> This diagram is not a perfect representation of the undici Client. Since the Client class is not actually implemented as a state-machine, actual execution may deviate slightly from what is described below. Consider this as a general resource for understanding the inner workings of the Undici client rather than some kind of formal specification.
## State Transition Overview
* A `Client` begins in the **idle** state with no socket connection and no requests in queue.
* The *connect* event transitions the `Client` to the **pending** state where requests can be queued prior to processing.
* The *close* and *destroy* events transition the `Client` to the **destroyed** state. Since there are no requests in the queue, the *close* event immediately transitions to the **destroyed** state.
* The **pending** state indicates the underlying socket connection has been successfully established and requests are queueing.
* The *process* event transitions the `Client` to the **processing** state where requests are processed.
* If requests are queued, the *close* event transitions to the **processing** state; otherwise, it transitions to the **destroyed** state.
* The *destroy* event transitions to the **destroyed** state.
* The **processing** state initializes to the **processing.running** state.
* If the current request requires draining, the *needDrain* event transitions the `Client` into the **processing.busy** state which will return to the **processing.running** state with the *drainComplete* event.
* After all queued requests are completed, the *keepalive* event transitions the `Client` back to the **pending** state. If no requests are queued during the timeout, the **close** event transitions the `Client` to the **destroyed** state.
* If the *close* event is fired while the `Client` still has queued requests, the `Client` transitions to the **process.closing** state where it will complete all existing requests before firing the *done* event.
* The *done* event gracefully transitions the `Client` to the **destroyed** state.
* At any point in time, the *destroy* event will transition the `Client` from the **processing** state to the **destroyed** state, destroying any queued requests.
* The **destroyed** state is a final state and the `Client` is no longer functional.
![A state diagram representing an Undici Client instance](../assets/lifecycle-diagram.png)
> The diagram was generated using Mermaid.js Live Editor. Modify the state diagram [here](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/#/edit/eyJjb2RlIjoic3RhdGVEaWFncmFtLXYyXG4gICAgWypdIC0tPiBpZGxlXG4gICAgaWRsZSAtLT4gcGVuZGluZyA6IGNvbm5lY3RcbiAgICBpZGxlIC0tPiBkZXN0cm95ZWQgOiBkZXN0cm95L2Nsb3NlXG4gICAgXG4gICAgcGVuZGluZyAtLT4gaWRsZSA6IHRpbWVvdXRcbiAgICBwZW5kaW5nIC0tPiBkZXN0cm95ZWQgOiBkZXN0cm95XG5cbiAgICBzdGF0ZSBjbG9zZV9mb3JrIDw8Zm9yaz4-XG4gICAgcGVuZGluZyAtLT4gY2xvc2VfZm9yayA6IGNsb3NlXG4gICAgY2xvc2VfZm9yayAtLT4gcHJvY2Vzc2luZ1xuICAgIGNsb3NlX2ZvcmsgLS0-IGRlc3Ryb3llZFxuXG4gICAgcGVuZGluZyAtLT4gcHJvY2Vzc2luZyA6IHByb2Nlc3NcblxuICAgIHByb2Nlc3NpbmcgLS0-IHBlbmRpbmcgOiBrZWVwYWxpdmVcbiAgICBwcm9jZXNzaW5nIC0tPiBkZXN0cm95ZWQgOiBkb25lXG4gICAgcHJvY2Vzc2luZyAtLT4gZGVzdHJveWVkIDogZGVzdHJveVxuXG4gICAgc3RhdGUgcHJvY2Vzc2luZyB7XG4gICAgICAgIHJ1bm5pbmcgLS0-IGJ1c3kgOiBuZWVkRHJhaW5cbiAgICAgICAgYnVzeSAtLT4gcnVubmluZyA6IGRyYWluQ29tcGxldGVcbiAgICAgICAgcnVubmluZyAtLT4gWypdIDoga2VlcGFsaXZlXG4gICAgICAgIHJ1bm5pbmcgLS0-IGNsb3NpbmcgOiBjbG9zZVxuICAgICAgICBjbG9zaW5nIC0tPiBbKl0gOiBkb25lXG4gICAgICAgIFsqXSAtLT4gcnVubmluZ1xuICAgIH1cbiAgICAiLCJtZXJtYWlkIjp7InRoZW1lIjoiYmFzZSJ9LCJ1cGRhdGVFZGl0b3IiOmZhbHNlfQ)
## State details
### idle
The **idle** state is the initial state of a `Client` instance. While an `origin` is required for instantiating a `Client` instance, the underlying socket connection will not be established until a request is queued using [`Client.dispatch()`](Client.md#clientdispatchoptions-handlers). By calling `Client.dispatch()` directly or using one of the multiple implementations ([`Client.connect()`](Client.md#clientconnectoptions-callback), [`Client.pipeline()`](Client.md#clientpipelineoptions-handler), [`Client.request()`](Client.md#clientrequestoptions-callback), [`Client.stream()`](Client.md#clientstreamoptions-factory-callback), and [`Client.upgrade()`](Client.md#clientupgradeoptions-callback)), the `Client` instance will transition from **idle** to [**pending**](#pending) and then most likely directly to [**processing**](#processing).
Calling [`Client.close()`](Client.md#clientclosecallback) or [`Client.destroy()`](Client.md#clientdestroyerror-callback) transitions directly to the [**destroyed**](#destroyed) state since the `Client` instance will have no queued requests in this state.
### pending
The **pending** state signifies a non-processing `Client`. Upon entering this state, the `Client` establishes a socket connection and emits the [`'connect'`](Client.md#event-connect) event signalling a connection was successfully established with the `origin` provided during `Client` instantiation. The internal queue is initially empty, and requests can start queueing.
Calling [`Client.close()`](Client.md#clientclosecallback) with queued requests, transitions the `Client` to the [**processing**](#processing) state. Without queued requests, it transitions to the [**destroyed**](#destroyed) state.
Calling [`Client.destroy()`](Client.md#clientdestroyerror-callback) transitions directly to the [**destroyed**](#destroyed) state regardless of existing requests.
### processing
The **processing** state is a state machine within itself. It initializes to the [**processing.running**](#running) state. The [`Client.dispatch()`](Client.md#clientdispatchoptions-handlers), [`Client.close()`](Client.md#clientclosecallback), and [`Client.destroy()`](Client.md#clientdestroyerror-callback) can be called at any time while the `Client` is in this state. `Client.dispatch()` will add more requests to the queue while existing requests continue to be processed. `Client.close()` will transition to the [**processing.closing**](#closing) state. And `Client.destroy()` will transition to [**destroyed**](#destroyed).
#### running
In the **processing.running** sub-state, queued requests are being processed in a FIFO order. If a request body requires draining, the *needDrain* event transitions to the [**processing.busy**](#busy) sub-state. The *close* event transitions the Client to the [**process.closing**](#closing) sub-state. If all queued requests are processed and neither [`Client.close()`](Client.md#clientclosecallback) nor [`Client.destroy()`](Client.md#clientdestroyerror-callback) are called, then the [**processing**](#processing) machine will trigger a *keepalive* event transitioning the `Client` back to the [**pending**](#pending) state. During this time, the `Client` is waiting for the socket connection to timeout, and once it does, it triggers the *timeout* event and transitions to the [**idle**](#idle) state.
#### busy
This sub-state is only entered when a request body is an instance of [Stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html) and requires draining. The `Client` cannot process additional requests while in this state and must wait until the currently processing request body is completely drained before transitioning back to [**processing.running**](#running).
#### closing
This sub-state is only entered when a `Client` instance has queued requests and the [`Client.close()`](Client.md#clientclosecallback) method is called. In this state, the `Client` instance continues to process requests as usual, with the one exception that no additional requests can be queued. Once all of the queued requests are processed, the `Client` will trigger the *done* event gracefully entering the [**destroyed**](#destroyed) state without an error.
### destroyed
The **destroyed** state is a final state for the `Client` instance. Once in this state, a `Client` is nonfunctional. Calling any other `Client` methods will result in an `ClientDestroyedError`.