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'use strict'
const { Headers, HeadersList, fill } = require('./headers')
const { extractBody, cloneBody, mixinBody } = require('./body')
const util = require('../core/util')
const { kEnumerableProperty } = util
const {
} = require('./util')
const {
} = require('./constants')
const { kState, kHeaders, kGuard, kRealm } = require('./symbols')
const { webidl } = require('./webidl')
const { FormData } = require('./formdata')
const { getGlobalOrigin } = require('./global')
const { URLSerializer } = require('./dataURL')
const { kHeadersList, kConstruct } = require('../core/symbols')
const assert = require('assert')
const { types } = require('util')
const ReadableStream = globalThis.ReadableStream || require('stream/web').ReadableStream
const textEncoder = new TextEncoder('utf-8')
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#response-class
class Response {
// Creates network error Response.
static error () {
const relevantRealm = { settingsObject: {} }
// The static error() method steps are to return the result of creating a
// Response object, given a new network error, "immutable", and thiss
// relevant Realm.
const responseObject = new Response()
responseObject[kState] = makeNetworkError()
responseObject[kRealm] = relevantRealm
responseObject[kHeaders][kHeadersList] = responseObject[kState].headersList
responseObject[kHeaders][kGuard] = 'immutable'
responseObject[kHeaders][kRealm] = relevantRealm
return responseObject
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-response-json
static json (data, init = {}) {
webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, { header: 'Response.json' })
if (init !== null) {
init = webidl.converters.ResponseInit(init)
// 1. Let bytes the result of running serialize a JavaScript value to JSON bytes on data.
const bytes = textEncoder.encode(
// 2. Let body be the result of extracting bytes.
const body = extractBody(bytes)
// 3. Let responseObject be the result of creating a Response object, given a new response,
// "response", and thiss relevant Realm.
const relevantRealm = { settingsObject: {} }
const responseObject = new Response()
responseObject[kRealm] = relevantRealm
responseObject[kHeaders][kGuard] = 'response'
responseObject[kHeaders][kRealm] = relevantRealm
// 4. Perform initialize a response given responseObject, init, and (body, "application/json").
initializeResponse(responseObject, init, { body: body[0], type: 'application/json' })
// 5. Return responseObject.
return responseObject
// Creates a redirect Response that redirects to url with status status.
static redirect (url, status = 302) {
const relevantRealm = { settingsObject: {} }
webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, { header: 'Response.redirect' })
url = webidl.converters.USVString(url)
status = webidl.converters['unsigned short'](status)
// 1. Let parsedURL be the result of parsing url with current settings
// objects API base URL.
// 2. If parsedURL is failure, then throw a TypeError.
// TODO: base-URL?
let parsedURL
try {
parsedURL = new URL(url, getGlobalOrigin())
} catch (err) {
throw Object.assign(new TypeError('Failed to parse URL from ' + url), {
cause: err
// 3. If status is not a redirect status, then throw a RangeError.
if (!redirectStatusSet.has(status)) {
throw new RangeError('Invalid status code ' + status)
// 4. Let responseObject be the result of creating a Response object,
// given a new response, "immutable", and thiss relevant Realm.
const responseObject = new Response()
responseObject[kRealm] = relevantRealm
responseObject[kHeaders][kGuard] = 'immutable'
responseObject[kHeaders][kRealm] = relevantRealm
// 5. Set responseObjects responses status to status.
responseObject[kState].status = status
// 6. Let value be parsedURL, serialized and isomorphic encoded.
const value = isomorphicEncode(URLSerializer(parsedURL))
// 7. Append `Location`/value to responseObjects responses header list.
responseObject[kState].headersList.append('location', value)
// 8. Return responseObject.
return responseObject
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-response
constructor (body = null, init = {}) {
if (body !== null) {
body = webidl.converters.BodyInit(body)
init = webidl.converters.ResponseInit(init)
this[kRealm] = { settingsObject: {} }
// 1. Set thiss response to a new response.
this[kState] = makeResponse({})
// 2. Set thiss headers to a new Headers object with thiss relevant
// Realm, whose header list is thiss responses header list and guard
// is "response".
this[kHeaders] = new Headers(kConstruct)
this[kHeaders][kGuard] = 'response'
this[kHeaders][kHeadersList] = this[kState].headersList
this[kHeaders][kRealm] = this[kRealm]
// 3. Let bodyWithType be null.
let bodyWithType = null
// 4. If body is non-null, then set bodyWithType to the result of extracting body.
if (body != null) {
const [extractedBody, type] = extractBody(body)
bodyWithType = { body: extractedBody, type }
// 5. Perform initialize a response given this, init, and bodyWithType.
initializeResponse(this, init, bodyWithType)
// Returns responses type, e.g., "cors".
get type () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
// The type getter steps are to return thiss responses type.
return this[kState].type
// Returns responses URL, if it has one; otherwise the empty string.
get url () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
const urlList = this[kState].urlList
// The url getter steps are to return the empty string if thiss
// responses URL is null; otherwise thiss responses URL,
// serialized with exclude fragment set to true.
const url = urlList[urlList.length - 1] ?? null
if (url === null) {
return ''
return URLSerializer(url, true)
// Returns whether response was obtained through a redirect.
get redirected () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
// The redirected getter steps are to return true if thiss responses URL
// list has more than one item; otherwise false.
return this[kState].urlList.length > 1
// Returns responses status.
get status () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
// The status getter steps are to return thiss responses status.
return this[kState].status
// Returns whether responses status is an ok status.
get ok () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
// The ok getter steps are to return true if thiss responses status is an
// ok status; otherwise false.
return this[kState].status >= 200 && this[kState].status <= 299
// Returns responses status message.
get statusText () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
// The statusText getter steps are to return thiss responses status
// message.
return this[kState].statusText
// Returns responses headers as Headers.
get headers () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
// The headers getter steps are to return thiss headers.
return this[kHeaders]
get body () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
return this[kState].body ? this[kState].body.stream : null
get bodyUsed () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
return !!this[kState].body && util.isDisturbed(this[kState].body.stream)
// Returns a clone of response.
clone () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Response)
// 1. If this is unusable, then throw a TypeError.
if (this.bodyUsed || (this.body && this.body.locked)) {
throw webidl.errors.exception({
header: 'Response.clone',
message: 'Body has already been consumed.'
// 2. Let clonedResponse be the result of cloning thiss response.
const clonedResponse = cloneResponse(this[kState])
// 3. Return the result of creating a Response object, given
// clonedResponse, thiss headerss guard, and thiss relevant Realm.
const clonedResponseObject = new Response()
clonedResponseObject[kState] = clonedResponse
clonedResponseObject[kRealm] = this[kRealm]
clonedResponseObject[kHeaders][kHeadersList] = clonedResponse.headersList
clonedResponseObject[kHeaders][kGuard] = this[kHeaders][kGuard]
clonedResponseObject[kHeaders][kRealm] = this[kHeaders][kRealm]
return clonedResponseObject
Object.defineProperties(Response.prototype, {
type: kEnumerableProperty,
url: kEnumerableProperty,
status: kEnumerableProperty,
ok: kEnumerableProperty,
redirected: kEnumerableProperty,
statusText: kEnumerableProperty,
headers: kEnumerableProperty,
clone: kEnumerableProperty,
body: kEnumerableProperty,
bodyUsed: kEnumerableProperty,
[Symbol.toStringTag]: {
value: 'Response',
configurable: true
Object.defineProperties(Response, {
json: kEnumerableProperty,
redirect: kEnumerableProperty,
error: kEnumerableProperty
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-response-clone
function cloneResponse (response) {
// To clone a response response, run these steps:
// 1. If response is a filtered response, then return a new identical
// filtered response whose internal response is a clone of responses
// internal response.
if (response.internalResponse) {
return filterResponse(
// 2. Let newResponse be a copy of response, except for its body.
const newResponse = makeResponse({ ...response, body: null })
// 3. If responses body is non-null, then set newResponses body to the
// result of cloning responses body.
if (response.body != null) {
newResponse.body = cloneBody(response.body)
// 4. Return newResponse.
return newResponse
function makeResponse (init) {
return {
aborted: false,
rangeRequested: false,
timingAllowPassed: false,
requestIncludesCredentials: false,
type: 'default',
status: 200,
timingInfo: null,
cacheState: '',
statusText: '',
headersList: init.headersList
? new HeadersList(init.headersList)
: new HeadersList(),
urlList: init.urlList ? [...init.urlList] : []
function makeNetworkError (reason) {
const isError = isErrorLike(reason)
return makeResponse({
type: 'error',
status: 0,
error: isError
? reason
: new Error(reason ? String(reason) : reason),
aborted: reason && reason.name === 'AbortError'
function makeFilteredResponse (response, state) {
state = {
internalResponse: response,
return new Proxy(response, {
get (target, p) {
return p in state ? state[p] : target[p]
set (target, p, value) {
assert(!(p in state))
target[p] = value
return true
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-filtered-response
function filterResponse (response, type) {
// Set response to the following filtered response with response as its
// internal response, depending on requests response tainting:
if (type === 'basic') {
// A basic filtered response is a filtered response whose type is "basic"
// and header list excludes any headers in internal responses header list
// whose name is a forbidden response-header name.
// Note: undici does not implement forbidden response-header names
return makeFilteredResponse(response, {
type: 'basic',
headersList: response.headersList
} else if (type === 'cors') {
// A CORS filtered response is a filtered response whose type is "cors"
// and header list excludes any headers in internal responses header
// list whose name is not a CORS-safelisted response-header name, given
// internal responses CORS-exposed header-name list.
// Note: undici does not implement CORS-safelisted response-header names
return makeFilteredResponse(response, {
type: 'cors',
headersList: response.headersList
} else if (type === 'opaque') {
// An opaque filtered response is a filtered response whose type is
// "opaque", URL list is the empty list, status is 0, status message
// is the empty byte sequence, header list is empty, and body is null.
return makeFilteredResponse(response, {
type: 'opaque',
urlList: Object.freeze([]),
status: 0,
statusText: '',
body: null
} else if (type === 'opaqueredirect') {
// An opaque-redirect filtered response is a filtered response whose type
// is "opaqueredirect", status is 0, status message is the empty byte
// sequence, header list is empty, and body is null.
return makeFilteredResponse(response, {
type: 'opaqueredirect',
status: 0,
statusText: '',
headersList: [],
body: null
} else {
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#appropriate-network-error
function makeAppropriateNetworkError (fetchParams, err = null) {
// 1. Assert: fetchParams is canceled.
// 2. Return an aborted network error if fetchParams is aborted;
// otherwise return a network error.
return isAborted(fetchParams)
? makeNetworkError(Object.assign(new DOMException('The operation was aborted.', 'AbortError'), { cause: err }))
: makeNetworkError(Object.assign(new DOMException('Request was cancelled.'), { cause: err }))
// https://whatpr.org/fetch/1392.html#initialize-a-response
function initializeResponse (response, init, body) {
// 1. If init["status"] is not in the range 200 to 599, inclusive, then
// throw a RangeError.
if (init.status !== null && (init.status < 200 || init.status > 599)) {
throw new RangeError('init["status"] must be in the range of 200 to 599, inclusive.')
// 2. If init["statusText"] does not match the reason-phrase token production,
// then throw a TypeError.
if ('statusText' in init && init.statusText != null) {
// See, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.1.2:
// reason-phrase = *( HTAB / SP / VCHAR / obs-text )
if (!isValidReasonPhrase(String(init.statusText))) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid statusText')
// 3. Set responses responses status to init["status"].
if ('status' in init && init.status != null) {
response[kState].status = init.status
// 4. Set responses responses status message to init["statusText"].
if ('statusText' in init && init.statusText != null) {
response[kState].statusText = init.statusText
// 5. If init["headers"] exists, then fill responses headers with init["headers"].
if ('headers' in init && init.headers != null) {
fill(response[kHeaders], init.headers)
// 6. If body was given, then:
if (body) {
// 1. If response's status is a null body status, then throw a TypeError.
if (nullBodyStatus.includes(response.status)) {
throw webidl.errors.exception({
header: 'Response constructor',
message: 'Invalid response status code ' + response.status
// 2. Set response's body to body's body.
response[kState].body = body.body
// 3. If body's type is non-null and response's header list does not contain
// `Content-Type`, then append (`Content-Type`, body's type) to response's header list.
if (body.type != null && !response[kState].headersList.contains('Content-Type')) {
response[kState].headersList.append('content-type', body.type)
webidl.converters.ReadableStream = webidl.interfaceConverter(
webidl.converters.FormData = webidl.interfaceConverter(
webidl.converters.URLSearchParams = webidl.interfaceConverter(
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#typedefdef-xmlhttprequestbodyinit
webidl.converters.XMLHttpRequestBodyInit = function (V) {
if (typeof V === 'string') {
return webidl.converters.USVString(V)
if (isBlobLike(V)) {
return webidl.converters.Blob(V, { strict: false })
if (types.isArrayBuffer(V) || types.isTypedArray(V) || types.isDataView(V)) {
return webidl.converters.BufferSource(V)
if (util.isFormDataLike(V)) {
return webidl.converters.FormData(V, { strict: false })
if (V instanceof URLSearchParams) {
return webidl.converters.URLSearchParams(V)
return webidl.converters.DOMString(V)
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#bodyinit
webidl.converters.BodyInit = function (V) {
if (V instanceof ReadableStream) {
return webidl.converters.ReadableStream(V)
// Note: the spec doesn't include async iterables,
// this is an undici extension.
if (V?.[Symbol.asyncIterator]) {
return V
return webidl.converters.XMLHttpRequestBodyInit(V)
webidl.converters.ResponseInit = webidl.dictionaryConverter([
key: 'status',
converter: webidl.converters['unsigned short'],
defaultValue: 200
key: 'statusText',
converter: webidl.converters.ByteString,
defaultValue: ''
key: 'headers',
converter: webidl.converters.HeadersInit
module.exports = {