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Eagle is still in development and not currently usable. The current state is barely a proof of concept.

What is Eagle?

Eagle is a library designed to make "full-stack" applications with Rust. It allows you to define a communication protocl based on simple "questions" and "answers" which can be implemented as simple functions. From the perspective of the client (which sends "questions") the protocol is simply a set of async functions on a struct. From the perspective of the server (which sends "answers") the protocol is a trait which it implements on any struct of its choice.

Using Eagle

The way that eagle is designed to be used is inside a shared dependency between your "server" and your "client". Both of these should be in a workspace. Create a shared crate which both components should depend on. Inside this crate, you can define your protocol as an enum:

use eagle::Protocol;

pub enum TestProtocol {
    Addition((i32, i32), i32),
    SomeKindOfQuestion(String, i32)

In your server, you will be able to implement this protocol for any struct (and in the future register it for communication):

use shared::TestProtocolServer;

pub struct Server;
impl TestProtocolServer for Server {
    fn addition(&mut self, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

    fn some_kind_of_question(&mut self, question: String) -> i32 {

In your client, you can use an instance of the client struct to query the server:

use shared::TestProtocolClient;

async fn main() {
    let client = TestProtocolClient::new();
    assert_eq!(client.addition(2, 2).await, 4);


Eagle is licensed under the AGPL (GNU Affero General Public License). To learn more, read LICENSE.md